The entrances to the 5th Judicial District courthouses are monitored by security officers. Everyone entering the courthouse is subject to the security screening process. Anyone returning to the facility after leaving is required to go through the security screening process again. The following items shall not be brought into the building: firearms, knives (including small pocket knives), scissors or anything with a cutting edge, no tools, any type of spray, no drugs or drug paraphernalia, or any other item identified as a weapon by the security personnel.
Security officers will not store items for individuals or accept them as discarded property.
Litigants should arrive early for court proceedings to allow time for security measures.
No photographic or audio-visual equipment of any type including cameras, video or audio recorders or players are allowed without prior court approval.
No person other than members of the judiciary, attorneys, peace officers, and Court staff shall be allowed to carry a cell phone into the courtroom.
All cell phones must be turned off before entering a courtroom.
Any cell phone that rings or makes any audible sounds in a courtroom may be confiscated and held by security, a bailiff or any member of a District Judge’s staff. The cell phone will be returned upon payment of $25.00 to the District Court Clerk. A district Judge may impose additional sanctions for repeated offenses by the same person, including, but not limited to, increasingly severe monetary penalties.
Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Security staff may remove offenders from the building and judges may hold violators in contempt of court.
People are to dress appropriately in Court. Men shall wear long pants and a shirt. The shirt shall be tucked in to enter the courtroom. Women shall wear clothing that is equivalent to the standard for men, which shall consist of a dress, blouse, long pants, Capri pants below the knee, or skirt to enter the courtrooms. Men and women shall wear proper footwear. House shoes and shower shoes are not permitted. Sandals are permitted. Flip flops are not allowed in the courtrooms. No person shall wear shorts, tank tops, halter tops, muscle shirts, sweat pants, or anything exposing the midriffs or underwear. No person shall wear clothing that displays gang symbols. Hats, ball caps and sunglasses shall be removed upon entry into the Courthouse.
Clerk Office Area
Persons entering the District Court Clerk’s Office lobby solely for the purpose of appearing at the clerk’s window, making payments, or submitting documents to the Court, etc. may enter the lobby area without being required to meet the above courtroom dress code requirements. Under no circumstances will these persons be allowed in the courtrooms if they do not meet the guidelines for the courtroom dress code as outlined.
No pets (exception: dogs assisting vision or medically impaired individuals).
Individuals are not permitted to enter the courtroom with food or drink.
Parties should refrain from chewing gum while their case is being litigated.
Use of tobacco and E-Cigarette products are prohibited inside the Courthouse.